Monday, February 23, 2009

One of the greatest mysteries I've ever thought about concerns the nature of the animal seen above. I took this picture with a camera during a recent trip into the wilderness close to where I live. It clearly shows some kind of cat-sized wilderness lion, hiding behind a large forest tree. Most shocking about this lion is what it is doing in the picture. Because I could not investigate further at the time--the lion, obviously full of magical powers, created a large bee to chase me away--I can draw only two competing conclusions based upon the evidence at hand: 1) The lion lays, hatches, then raises a litter of corndog babies (what function these corndog babies have in the ecosystem must remain another of life's zaniest mysteries). Or! 2) The lion poops whole corndogs. It seems to me impossible to say with any certainty which of these two options is the closest to the truth. Due to the magical nature of this elusive wilderness lion, all I can be sure of is that the wilderness lion is in fact magically elusive. If you, dear reader or lurker, have any information to share about this topic, please do. All of the world's greatest scientists are interesed in the things you have to say. Don't blow it.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Manchurian Corndogs are the Choicest!

As a baby growing up in Manchuria, I was blessed with many and varied opportunities. Chief among these was a job, from a very young age, working as a corndog taster in a Manchurian corndog factory. Manchuria is world renowned for its delicious and cheap corndogs, many of which are made from real meat items! The corndog factory I worked in, The Manchurian Corndog Concern (MCC), was consistently rated A++ in corndog deliciousness by the National Corndog Federation of Manchuria (NCFM). I like to think that this high rating was because of my vigilance in ensuring that only the choicest corndogs made it out of the factory and into the mouths of people eating corndogs.
When I finally made it to the great United State, I thought it would be a lark to fulfill one of my childhood dreams: being in a Rock band! It was very important to me that I was part of a band that was extremely good at doing Rock. Through many trials and tribulations, I managed to become a member of a band that was just as concerned with doing the Rock as I was. We did a few tours, and became very popular with very attractive people, but then, because of so many factors that were factored in, the band had to break up. My heart was heavy because of the band breaking up. Also it was heavy because of all the heart cancer I had.
One day I saw an atomic explosion. Ouch! That's hot!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Oldest Beer and Other Facts.

One time I went to Check-of-the-Slovakia. It's in Europe. Or it was...Now it's two countries. One is called Check-of-the-Republic, and the other is known as Poland. Anyway, they have this beer that's really old called Pilsner Urkel. They claim it's one of the oldest beers ever, but I find that hard to believe because I remember seeing Urkel on teevee, and I'm not very old at all. They stick to their dubious claims, so I suspect one of two things is happening: 1) The Check-of-the-Slovakias are full of it (and by "it" I mean "crap!") or 2) Urkel is some type of very old person; possibly a vampire or a hobbit. Either way, the beer was pretty good, and I left their backwards country feeling like I had really learned something pretty neat. And you know what? I did! I did learn something neat!