Monday, March 30, 2009

Children Hate Shrimps!

My friend Kelly once told me an interesting item of interest. I must admit, I can't remember everything she said about this item because either she, or I, was drunk. Therefore, she wasn't making a lot of sense. But I do remember parts of her yarn, and this is what I remember:
There is a Shrimp Robot that is real. He is--as his name implies--a robot that creates shrimp. I guess you could argue that he is a robot made of shrimp, but that's really stupid for you to think about.
Anyway, this shrimp robot lives in one of the volcanoes that are on the surface of the Earth. Sometimes, if young boys have been particularly naughty, or if those same boys refuse to quit listening to their EyePod-Machines with huge headphones, the shrimp robot will appear!
His primary weapon? Shrimp Attack 2.0! It's a powerful and delicious weapon that scares many people away from his volcano house.
All of these things Kelly maybe told me. I couldn't believe her story at the time, and still find it really boring.
Also the volcano spews out shrimp sauce.